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Lawmakers are using trade rules to blacklist critics of Israel
Legislation to fast track new trade pacts specifically targets supporters of the BDS movement against the Israeli occupation.
US Trade Promotion Authority (2015)
US Congress passes anti-BDS legislation, key trade bill
The so-called trade promotion authority bill passed by Congress requires US negotiators to make the rejection of the BDS campaign a principal trade objective in negotiations with the European Union.
US trade bills seek to halt boycotts of Israel
Amendments to Obama’s sweeping trade package would fight BDS, but Democrats opposed to other sections are holding things up.
Could massive EU-US trade deal be extended to Israel?
The idea that Israel would be eligible to join TTIP is being mulled over by the cognoscenti in both Brussels and Washington, reports David Cronin.
Israeli envoy pitches for FTA with India
Israel’s Ambassador to India has been pushing for the signing of a free trade agreement between the two countries, adding that he is "not immensely optimistic that this will happen very soon."
Ukraine to sign FTA with Canada, Israel, Turkey and other countries
According to Ukraine’s Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food, Ukraine now plans to sign FTAs with Canada, Israel, Turkey, Serbia and Vietnam.
China, Israel to begin FTA talks
China will kick off negotiations on a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) with Israel this year, the Ministry of Commerce said Tuesday.
How EU-US trade deal could thwart “boycott Israel” campaign
Two members of the US Congress have introduced a bill that would turn a giant trade deal between the EU and US into a devastating weapon against the people of Palestine and all those seeking justice alongside them.
Ukraine and Israel agree to intensify free-trade area talks
Ukraine and Israel have agreed to intensify their talks over the creation of a free trade area (FTA), Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlov Klimkin has said.
AIPAC behind new US/EU trade legislation designed to thwart BDS
AIPAC is behind the draft US legislation that would make the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership being negotiated between the US and EU conditional on whether the EU takes action to stop BDS, according to US sources.
US bill seeks to tie massive trade pact to EU rejection of BDS
A new US Congressional bill, "The Israel Trade and Commercial Enhancement Act", seeks to make rejection of BDS a requirement for Washington to sign TTIP.
India, Israel FTA not likely to be signed soon
The India and Israel free trade agreement is not going to be reality soon, even as Israel plans expand its footprint in the Indian market in areas such as water management, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.
Indian, Israeli officials to meet next week on free trade pact
Officials of India and Israel would discuss next week issues related to the proposed free trade agreement between the countries
Ashrawi praises MEPs call on suspending EU-Israel Association Agreement
"It is time for the EU to reconsider its political and trade relations with Israel and agreements, including the EU-Israel Association Agreement which Israel has persistently violated,” PLO Executive Committee member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi said.
Israel interested in a free trade zone with Eurasian Economic Union
Israel is interested in creation of a free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.
Powerlessness and confusion: The EU and Israel
EU’s trade policy with Israel continues to be business as usual, including trade in military hardware.
Tel Aviv proposes Korea-Israel FTA
Israel’s top diplomat Avigdor Lieberman Tuesday proposed that Korea’s Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se open negotiations on free trade between the two countries.
Ukraine wishes to form free trade zones with Canada, Turkey, Israel, West Africa
The government of Ukraine intends to launch free trade negotiations with Canada, Turkey, Israel, the Gulf States, West Africa and some other countries, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk said.
Where are the EU sanctions on Israel?
EU inaction is likely to further bolster the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement if it is seen as the only effective avenue for European rejection of Israeli policies.