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India’s FTAs with ASEAN, Japan and Korea have widened trade deficit: Study
Over the past decade, India’s trade imbalance vis-à-vis its existing CEPA partners has steadily increased, says a study by Third World Network.
JEFTA: a danger for the future
The CGT, the French Trade Union Confederation and ZENROREN the Japanese Trade Union are calling on MEPs not to ratify JEFTA and to demand transparent negotiations in which workers’ unions have their say.
Japan-EU trade pact clears hurdle on road to Feb. 1 start
Japan’s parliament approved an economic partnership agreement with the EU, clearing a key hurdle for the tariff-cutting pact to take effect next year.
Japan to extend copyright period on works including novels and paintings to 70 years on Dec. 30
The copyright period on works such as novels and paintings in Japan is set to be extended to 70 years after the authors’ deaths, from the current 50 years, as part of legislation to approve the TPP.
Korea, China, Japan to hold FTA talks in Beijing
South Korea, China and Japan will hold their 14th round of negotiations to discuss ways to open goods and services markets and lower other trade barriers.
US companies want Japan trade deal to cover services
US businesses are seeking a comprehensive trade deal with Japan that also includes services and investments even as Tokyo tries to limit the scope of upcoming bilateral talks to goods only.
US meat body outlines Japanese trade priorities
The North American Meat Institute called for US beef and pork exports to receive the same tariff benefits that have been granted to competitors under the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
India sought to delay RCEP deal beyond general election
Indonesia accuses Japan of trying to ’force its interests’ on members
EU-Japan trade deal clears hurdle on way to 2019 start
The European Parliament’s international trade committee voted 25 in favour to 10 against to clear the deal for a final vote in the parliament’s full chamber set for December 13.
Japan seeking wider coverage of trade agreement
Japan plans to expand the coverage of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement to include the e-commerce sector and more concessions in agriculture.
Japanese farmers worried over effects of trans-Pacific trade pact
Japanese farmers expressed concern about an expected influx of imports and other effects of a trans-Pacific free trade agreement led by Japan that is set to enter into force on Dec 30.
TPP-11 to take effect on Dec. 30
Sixth country Australia ratifies trade pact, paving way for early launch
New trade deals restrain governments on financial regulation
The new generation of trade agreements currently being negotiated by the EU endangers financial regulation. Worse, they rein in the capacity of states to regulate in the future.
USTR to hold hearing in Dec. on trade talks with Japan
US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer suggested President Donald Trump’s administration will push Japan to address tariff and nontariff barriers in sectors such as automobiles, agriculture and services.
TPP-11 may take effect by year-end: Japanese minister
The 11-country free trade agreement formerly known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership may take effect by the end of this year, Toshimitsu Motegi, Japan’s minister in charge of negotiations, revealed Friday.
US to open trade talks with Japan, EU, UK
The Trump administration has notified Congress of its intent to negotiate three separate trade deals with Japan, the European Union and the United Kingdom.
US to seek currency chapters in trade talks with Japan, others: Mnuchin
US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says that Washington wants to include a provision to deter currency manipulation in future trade deals, including with Japan, based on the currency chapter in the new deal to revamp NAFTA.
Japan-EU to hold dialogue on free trade
Japan and the European Union will discuss enhanced economic cooperation based on international trade rules in late October. It will be the first ministerial-level meeting under an economic partnership agreement.
US may push Japan, EU not to strike trade deals with China: Ross
The "poison pill" provision to deter trade deals with China in the new US trade agreement with Canada and Mexico may be replicated in future US trade pacts, such as those with Japan and the European Union.
US farm chief wants ‘TPP-plus trade deal’
US Agriculture Secretary indicated his desire to demand Japan open its markets more than the extent agreed under the Trans-Pacific Partnership and its economic partnership agreement with the European Union.