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EFTA and Malaysia hold seventh round of negotiations on an economic partnership agreement
Negotiations between EFTA and Malaysia have been ongoing since April 2014. The two sides have held seven rounds of negotiations, as well as intersessional expert meetings
Why trade matters
International trade has been an important component in the economies of the Malay Archipelago. Despite this, the extent to which international trade affects our daily lives may not be fully appreciated by many of us.
M’sia-EU FTA likely to conclude soon
After a five-year process, negotiations for a Malaysia-Euro­pean Union Free Trade Agreement is expected to conclude.
Malaysian Parliament approves TPP agreement
The Malaysian Parliament approved the country’s participation in the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement
CAP calls on MPs to reject TPPA
The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) is shocked that the Government is making a mockery of Parliament by seeking a blank cheque for the country to be tied to the controversial Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).
Anti-TPPA rally tells deaf gov’t off
Protestors at the anti-TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) demonstration say the people are sending the message that they do not want the secretive agreement signed by the government.
30% of SMEs risk going bust post-TPPA
About 30% of small and medium companies risk going under once the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) comes into force.
TPPA briefing to NGOs by Ms. Sanya Reid Smith
Ms. Reid Smith analyses the implications of trade agreements on economic and social sectors and various policies in developing countries.
FTA with Malaysia this year: Tofail
Bangladesh plans to sign a free trade agreement with Malaysia this year to boost bilateral trade, Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said yesterday.
Malaysia, only country with opt-out clause in TPPA
Malaysia is the only country to be granted an opt-out clause in a side letter to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).
Bauxite mining moratorium could land Malaysia in trouble under TPP, says law professor
The Malaysian government could be sued by foreign corporations if it intervened in their business activities under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
TWN: Common claims about TPPA investment chapter, ISDS – a rebuttal
Claims of the much-touted supposed ‘benefits’ of the investor-state dispute settlement mechanism are not really what they seem.
’Copyright cops’ activated under TPPA
Internet Service Providers will be able to police anyone with Internet connection in an effort to protect copyright holders, after the TPPA comes into effect.
The TPPA provides for illegal GMO contamination of our food
Provisions in the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement provide for the contamination of our food supply with unapproved and illegal genetically modified organisms.
Pakatan Harapan MPs seek AG’s advice on constitutionality of TPPA agreement
Four lawmakers today wrote a letter to the Attorney-General seeking clarification whether the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanism under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is in line with the spirit of the Federal Constitution.
Could haze in Asia give rise to treaty claims?
The smoke haze that has engulfed Singapore, Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia for two months could violate international law and be the subject of an investment treaty claim against Indonesia.
TPPA vs tobacco control - the devil is in the details
Now that the whole text of the TPPA has been released, it appears the TPPA provides many avenues for the tobacco industry to thwart and frustrate government efforts to enact stronger measures.
Trans-Pacific Partnership: read the side letters not just the headlines
Australia has entered a wide range of bilateral agreements with countries around the Pacific in a web of special deals which underline the complexity of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
Critic: TPP deal has ‘exclusions up the wazoo’
The exceptions, laid out in multiple annexes and embedded in various chapters of the 1,000-page-plus Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, range from obscure provisions to controversial measures
Abim, NGOs file suit to stop Putrajaya from signing TPPA
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (Abim) and two other Malay non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have filed for a judicial review to stop Putrajaya from signing the contentious Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA).