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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (EU-US FTA), sometimes also called Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA)

TTIP controversy: The European Commission and Big Tobacco accused of cover-up after heavily redacted documents released
Documents back up fears that TTIP will allow tobacco giants to take legal action against the UK and other European governments who attempt to tighten smoking legislation
10,000 emails sent to Bolton Euro MP about trade agreement which could see American firms providing health and transport services in UK
North West MEP Afzal Khan says he has received more than 10,000 emails from constituents concerned about the proposed trade agreement between the United States and the European Unions.
Commission breaks new ground on TTIP tobacco transparency
The European Commission has broken new ground in transparency over Big Tobacco lobbying around the ongoing EU-US trade talks. Philip Morris topped a EU lobbying spending table last year, spending more than petrol giant ExxonMobil.
Prosperity undermined
The status quo trade model’s 21-year record of massive U.S. trade deficits, job loss and wage suppression.
TTIP between US and EU ‘threatens Maltese farmers and consumers’
The TTIP deal between the European Union (EU) and the United States (US) could have a considerable impact on the way in which food and commodities are produced, traded and regulated, with impacts for farmers and consumers on both sides of the Atlantic.
Agriculteurs : les raisons de la colère !
Les agriculteurs se retrouvent pris en étau entre d’une part la baisse des prix payés pour leur production et d’autre part la course au rendement, dans une fuite en avant de la production agricole transformée en agro-industrie.
TISA, TTIP, CETA, TPP : la mort du service public
Les partisans des libéralisations misent sur de nouveaux accords de libre-échange qui priveraient les Etats de leur capacité à fixer les règles du jeu et accéléreraient le démontage du service public.
The perfect pinta vs. the TTIP trade tanker
Britain’s dairy farmers have been having a hard time largely thanks to their exposure to an unregulated, unstable, global food market.
De l’utilité du vote
Si le respect du suffrage universel ne semble pas être une priorité des dirigeants européens, il est alors légitime de s’inquiéter du sort qui sera réservé au nouveau veau d’or de notre classe dirigeante, le futur traité de libre-échange transatlantique.
Trade deal could put Big Tobacco’s interests before public health
The tobacco industry has deep pockets. The industry uses its profits to resist measures being taken by governments all across the world to cut smoking and deaths from smoking.
TUC briefing on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
TUC Congress believes that the primary purpose of TTIP is to extend corporate investor rights’ and thus adopted a position of ‘outright opposition’ to TTIP.
Melinda Saint-Louis : « Le traité transatlantique ne profitera qu’aux 1% »
Je vois donc moins cet accord comme une lutte entre les sociétés américaines et européennes, que comme un traité qui ne bénéficiera, des deux côtés de l’Atlantique, qu’aux « 1 % »
TTIP/TAFTA et ses investisseurs tout-puissants expliqués en moins de 4 minutes
L’ISDS permet aux entreprises de traîner les gouvernements devant des tribunaux secrets privés. La facture incombera au contribuable européen.
Don’t believe the hype - TTIP is not for small companies
Publicly, business lobby groups are heavily pushing the idea that TTIP will benefit small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). But behind closed doors they admit the reality: that small companies will “face increased competition” and that “benefits remain hypothetical”.
Trojan horse erected in protest against ‘dangerous’ EU-US trade agreement
A huge Trojan horse – the infamous horse that hid thousands of Greek fighters to overthrow the city of Troy – has been erected in Valletta this morning to protest against the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
La marché du porc : un problème politique européen !
Ce n’est pas au niveau national, table ronde ou pas au ministère de l’Agriculture, que le problème pourra se résoudre.
EU doubles down on TTIP secrecy as public resistance grows
Top national politicians must visit a special room in Brussels to read key TTIP documents.
TPP, TTIP et TiSA – «des accords politiques visant de supprimer le modèle démocratique»
Alfred de Zayas, spécialiste renommé de droit international, présente toute la complexité de ces soi-disant accords de libre échange du point de vue du droit international.
WikiLeaks is raising €100,000 reward for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership ’TTIP’
WikiLeaks has launched a €100,000 crowdfunding campaign for the secretive Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal to be leaked.
Data flows in TTIP
Data flows in TTIP could result in a significant weakening of consumers’ fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data