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China, Gulf to speed up free trade talks
China and the oil-dependent Gulf monarchies said they would accelerate talks on a free trade deal which has been under negotiation for more than a decade.
HRW: "Western Sahara products should not be labeled as Moroccan"
Human Rights Watch states that "countries should not import goods produced in Western Sahara labeled as Made in Morocco or under preferential tariff agreements with Morocco".
30% of SMEs risk going bust post-TPPA
About 30% of small and medium companies risk going under once the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) comes into force.
US targets new opportunities in Latin America
Economic growth and expanding middle class is fuelling demand for US agricultural products.
Japan, China, South Korea fail to set goals for trade deal
High-ranking negotiators from Japan, China and South Korea failed to set goals for how far they want to open their markets in the latest round of talks on a three-way free trade accord.
Here is how TTIP threatens small businesses in the UK
As 2015 Entrepreneur of the Year I am firmly against TTIP and the strain it will place on home grown business owners.
Why TTIP is stuck in the muck
For TTIP to work, the EU needs to become more transparent.
Thanks to TPP, Canada could get caught in global privacy battle
Trade deal coupled with EU court decision could spell trouble for our laws.
TTIP, tax havens contribute to extreme global inequality
TTIP perpetuate inequality because of their secrecy and preference for the interests of the wealthy over financial regulations and labor rights.
The TPP will cost Canada 58,000 jobs — and won’t grow the economy
New study shows that Canada can expect a mere 0.28 per cent increase to GDP growth and will lead to 58,000 net job losses over the next ten years.
India-EU trade pact: Negotiators discuss outstanding issues
Chief negotiators of India and EU took stock of "outstanding issues", including duty cut on automobiles and movement of professionals, that have held up talks on the proposed free trade agreement.
Free trade? CFIB finds it’s easier to import from the U.S. than to export to it if you are a small business
Suzanne Paquin Leylekian regularly imports materials from Finland, China and other countries with which Canada has no free trade agreement.
Dangerous regulatory duet
How transatlantic regulatory cooperation under TTIP will allow bureaucrats and big business to attack the public interest.
Interview: End of US crude oil export ban – consequences for TTIP and the climate
The EU has been advocating an end of this ban as part of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations. The EU wants to be able to import US oil for energy security reasons and set global rules for energy markets.
TPPA briefing to NGOs by Ms. Sanya Reid Smith
Ms. Reid Smith analyses the implications of trade agreements on economic and social sectors and various policies in developing countries.
PACER Plus flexibility on regulating ’misleading’
The Pacific Network on Globalisation, or PANG, says it begs to differ with comments by the Chief Trade Advisor for the Pacific Island countries that PACER Plus agreement will allow members countries to regulate.
FTA with Malaysia this year: Tofail
Bangladesh plans to sign a free trade agreement with Malaysia this year to boost bilateral trade, Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed said yesterday.
MSF warns on EU/India trade talks
As reported in Indian media, senior officials from the European Commission and India are expected to meet today in Brussels to hold talks on resuming negotiations on the proposed European Union-India free trade agreement.
Big business orders its pro-TTIP arguments from these think tanks
Think tanks present themselves as independent providers of arguments, facts, and figures in the ideologically charged debate on TTIP, the pending free trade agreement between the U.S. and the EU. But is that really the case?
The geopolitics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), a US imperial strategy
It is a trade deal that seeks to buttress the dominant role of the United States in shaping the political and economic world order by fending off a formidable challenger like China. At its very core, TPPA is geopolitical.