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TransCanada may recoup costs from US if Obama rejects Keystone
A provision in the North American Free Trade Agreement would let the Canadian company TransCanada Corp. recoup some of the $2.4 billion spent on its Keystone XL project
RCEP - draft IP text from ASEAN (Oct 2014)
As published by KEI
RCEP - draft IP text from India (Oct 2014)
As published by KEI
Taiwan, US aim for TIFA talks by year end: US official
Taiwan and the United States are working toward holding the next round of talks under the bilateral Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA)
TPP failure could spell trouble for other trade talks
The failure to reach a broad agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership could harm Japan’s efforts to create a “mega trade zone” through other major accords
EU, Vietnam reach deal on free trade
The European Union and Vietnam reached an agreement in principle for a free trade agreement after two and a half years of negotiations
Time running out for states to sign TFTA
Finalisation of negotiations on outstanding TFTA areas especially with regard to rules of origin, trade remedies, and dispute settlement will be introduced following the launch of a post-signature implementation plan
TTIP protest takes to the streets
Healthcare protesters People’s NHS Wales lined several streets in Haverfordwest with placards in their latest bid to highlight concerns over what the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) could mean for our health service.
Crise de l’élevage, crise de modèle
Sous la contrainte de l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) et des traités de libre-échange, l’Union européenne a abandonné la régulation de ses productions agricoles et supprimé la préférence communautaire.
La coopération économique au premier plan
La diplomatie économique du Royaume du Maroc fait de la promotion des échanges Sud-Sud un choix stratégique du pays
UK and France paid 24m euros in Calais migrants ISDS case
A spokesperson for the company Eurotunnel has revealed that the UK and French governments were required by a private arbitration tribunal to pay out nearly 24 million euros for failing to provide adequate security around the entrance to the Channel Tunnel between 1999 and 2002.
Concerned citizens chained to museum in TPPA protest
The stalling of yesterday’s TPPA negotiations in Maui provide light relief for the citizens of New Zealand, but we cannot be complacent in thinking that our Government will not continue on signing our country up to a deal that may be detrimental for generations to come.
Pacific Rim free trade talks fall short of deal
Pacific Rim trade ministers failed to clinch a deal on Friday to free up trade between a dozen nations after a dispute flared up over auto trade between Japan and North America, New Zealand dug in over dairy trade and no agreement was reached on monopoly periods for next-generation drugs.
Indonesia raises non-tariff barrier to protect local batik against imports
Cheaper fabrics from Malaysia and China are flood in thanks to the ASEAN-China free-trade agreement.
Peru: Trade agreements bolster exploitation
Analysts say policies initiated under the Free Trade Agreement with the US have taken away labor rights for hundreds of thousands of working class Peruvian citizens.
WikiLeaks alleges widespread US spying on Japanese government, major companies
Anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks released a trove of documents Friday titled “Target Tokyo” detailing alleged US National Security Agency’s snooping on the Japanese government and businesses — just as negotiators from 12 nations, including Japan and the US, hope to wrap up the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
​Open source leader ’livid’ at TPPA software patent capitulation
Negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement appear likely to undo New Zealand’s ban on software patents, showing "how disconnected the government and the negotiators are from the interests of New Zealanders."
TPP: Key admits medicine costs will rise
Prime Minister John Key has conceded New Zealand will have to pay more for some medicines under the Trans-Pacific Partnership but he says it is in the country’s best interests
Secrecy of TPPA documents heads to court
A legal challenge to the secrecy of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations will be launched in the High Court of New Zealand next week.
CAFTA’s 10th anniversary spotlights TPP’s threat to affordable life-saving drugs
Ten years ago today, in the dead of night, Congress passed the US-Central America Free Trade Agreement by two votes. Lessons learned from the actual effects of CAFTA on access to affordable life-saving prescription drugs provide a vivid illustration of the impact of TPP-like rules on people and their health.