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Addiko Bank threatening Montenegro by international arbitration because of the "Swiss"
Addiko Bank AG repeated its concern regarding the Proposal of the Amendment law for conversion of loans in Swiss francs to euros.
Croatia hit with lawsuit for franc-loan conversion law
The Croatian government is facing a lawsuit for forcing local banks to convert Swiss franc loans into euros.
Hearings of the international arbitration proceedings start next week
The hearings of the international arbitration proceedings between AS Tallinna Vesi and the Republic of Estonia will be held from November 7th – 11th November 2016 and on November 14th – 15th, 2016 in Paris, France.
Canada legislates to implement Ukraine FTA
The Canadian Government has introduced legislation to implement a free trade agreement with Ukraine.
China firms eye ’Made in Vietnam’ windfall - if Obama’s TPP survives
Vietnam’s Free Trade Agreement with the European Union and the Trans Pacific Partnership would collectively give China access to markets worth $44 trillion in combined gross domestic product.
U.S., China rushing investment treaty at end of Obama term
Negotiations on the proposed bilateral investment treaty, BIT as it is commonly known, are continuing at an accelerated pace, with new rounds only two weeks apart.
EU’s EPA strategy detrimental to Africa – ECOWAS farmers
The Economic Community of West Africa States ECOWAS,’ farmers have called on African leaders to resist the pressure being put on them by the European Union to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement.
Latin American nations set import records for U.S. corn
The U.S. Grains Council recently announced new grain import records set by Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua.
Trading away health: the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
A leaked draft of RCEP has revealed some proposed provisions that could undermine access to price-lowering, generic medicines, and thus, life-saving treatment to millions of people in the developing world
Australia, Indonesia continue push for trade deal, after President skips visit
Trade ministers from Australia and Indonesia continued negotiations to seal a trade deal between the two neighbours
In the battle to win the TPP, has Obama forgotten the lessons of the Vietnam War?
The most important and defining factor for the fate of the TPP is that social pressure against the agreement within in the TPP negotiating countries grows.
Ruling bloc rams TPP bill through committee
Brushing off vocal protests by opposition lawmakers, Prime Minister Abe’s ruling coalition passed a bill to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement at a special Lower House committee, sparking criticism that it resorted to a steamroll vote.
RCEP: A devastating blow to the Philippine economy and its peoples
APRN statement on the RCEP Ministerial meeting in Cebu, Philippines on 3-4 November 2016
Armenia initiated EAEU-Iran talks on free trade agreement
The Eurasian Economic Union began discussions on having a privileged trade agreement with Iran at the initiation of Armenia
TRC reaches final settlement with Orange Jordan
The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) signed a settlement agreement with Orange Jordan, ending a dispute related to the renewal of the company’s second-generation (2G) network.
Commission 2017 Work Programme: What’s in it for trade?
The negotiations towards a “reasonable and balanced free trade agreement with the US” part of the trade-related section of the Commission Work Programme for 2017.
‘FTA between India, Eurasian Economic Union soon’
Discussions on a free trade agreement between India and the Eurasian Economic Union are at an advanced stage and an agreement could be reached as early as the end of the year.
Dutch referendum petition launched to oppose CETA ratification
Dutch group very similar to the one which organised the referendum that blocked the EU-Ukraine association agreement has already collected over 190,000 signatures for blocking the ratification of CETA, the EU-Canada trade deal.
EU member states divided in face of Commission crackdown on intra-EU ISDS
Once a desirable form of European international relations endorsed by the Commission, Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) became a problematic issue after the accession of former socialist countries in Central and Eastern Europe to the European Union, and with the emergence of the first intra-EU investment arbitration – ISDS – cases.
White & Case wins award for Indian investor against Poland
Global law firm has won an arbitration award for Indian investor Flemingo DutyFree in a case brought against Poland under the India-Poland Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT)