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EU earns right to public contracts
For the first time, as a result of EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement commitments, European investors will be able to offer tenders for various public infrastructure projects in Vietnam.
CETA announcement shows it’s possible to fix trade deals
Corporations can still sue governments over public policy decisions they don’t like but the real lesson from the ISDS reforms, in fact, is that public opposition and political mobilization can change things.
Trans Pacific Partnership could change the apparel indusry
TPP could disrupt the fast fashion momentum and a fledgling made-in-America clothing rebound by renewing the attractiveness of offshore manufacturing via lower tariffs.
Harmonising IP laws across ASEAN: Is it possible?
The economic integration of the ASEAN Economic Community leads to many challenges in the harmonisation of trade-related laws across ASEAN’s 10 member nations.
Revisions needed in IP compliance
Revision of the legal framework on intellectual property is recommended to ensure compliance with the EU – Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement.
The impact of CAFTA: drugs, gangs, and immigration
It’s clear that the free-trade panacea promised by policymakers, especially its most enthusiastic cheerleaders has not come to pass.
United States and Europe disagree on GM crops
America, where GMOs have been in the human supply chain for more than two decades, want their currently banned crops to be imported into Europe.
European commission found guilty of maladministration for EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement
European Ombudsman concluded that the Commission’s refusal to carry out a human rights impact assessment constituted maladministration.
PNG attacks Australia at Pacific free trade talks
The signing of a Pacific free trade deal in June has been thrown into doubt with the largest island nation Papua New Guinea saying it favours Australia and will damage local industries.
RCEP threatens tax policies in India and other 15 countries
New report shows that trade and investment deals like RCEP will further adversely affect the ability of the government of India to tax corporations effectively and fairly.
New ISDS platform launched
A new website to help groups monitor, understand and work to defeat investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms in trade and investment agreements has been launched:
The seven sins of the EU investment court
Despite all the talk of reform from commissioner Malmstroem, the threat to democratic decision-making is as alive and dangerous as ever.
The rise of investor-state dispute settlement in the extractive sectors: challenges and considerations for African countries
In African countries, the expansion of international investment agreements could carry significant risks to policy space and policy tools necessary for industrialization and development.
Diplomats want treaties: diplomatic agendas and perks in the investment regime
Strategic foreign policy considerations have driven some investment treaty negotiations. Secondly, some diplomats have been successful in promoting investment treaties to further their own individual interests.
Peru’s police violently clashes with Anti-TPP protesters
This is the fifth time Peruvians have demonstrated against the free-trade agreement since the beginning of the secret negotiations. Police violently clashed with protesters.
ICSID decides that Tidewater is now free to enforce $37 million of the $65 million arbitral award for the taking of the company’s Venezuelan operations
Enforcement of remaining $28 million remains pending further ICSID decision.
TTIP negotiators outnumbered by citizens!
Featuring Dan Mullaney, Ignacio Bercero, Stop TTIP
EU-Canada FTA (CETA) - consolidated text (February 2016)
As released by European Commission
CETA: EU and Canada agree on new approach on investment in trade agreement
The European Commission and the Canadian Government have agreed to include a new approach on investment protection and investment dispute settlement in CETA.