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News from the movements

Joint NGO letter on EU-Vietnam free trade agreement
Vietnamese and international civil society organisations, are writing to urge you to ensure that the European Parliament postpones its consent to the EVFTA and IPA until certain human rights benchmarks are met by the Vietnamese government.
Giant RCEP regional trade deal text without India must be released and evaluated before signing says AFTINET
India’s departure from the RCEP announced yesterday in Bangkok is not only caused by India’s resistance to lower tariffs. There is a hidden agenda of non-tariff issues that could restrict future government regulation by giving more rights to global corporations.
Stop the unfair investor-state dispute settlement against Africa
Civil society and trade union statement to oppose the recent World Bank Court ruling against Tanzania.
We demand trade justice reject RCEP and corporate trade deals
Trade Justice Pilipinas have come out on the streets over the last few weeks to lead various protest actions across the region against the RCEP—touted as the biggest regional free trade and investment deal.
No RCEP is better than a bad deal for India
The Forum for Trade Justice is of the opinion that the Government of India should not agree to the RCEP as it will be a bad deal for democracy, for farmers, workers.
Unions call on government of India to withdraw from mega economic treaty RCEP
Ten Central Trade Unions (CTUs) have called on the Government to withdraw from the RCEP negotiations due to concerns over its possible negative impacts on workers and the economy.
New AFTINET fact sheet: The impact of trade and investment rules on public health
Trading away our health: How trade and investment rules put corporate rights ahead of public health.
Activists demand Trade Democracy at the site of Peterloo
200 years ago, democracy activists died in Manchester, while peacefully campaigning for the vote. On the bicentennial of the massacre, activists protested against the threat to democracy from the corporate court system.
Peasants and small scale food producers in India intensify their protest against RCEP free trade agreement
On 24th October and thereafter, thousands of farmers organized under the Indian Coordination Committee of Farmers’ Movement (ICCFM) and ally groups carried out coordinated actions and demonstrations reject RCEP.
Call for regional action against RCEP
Unions in Asia Pacific hold a series of synchronised actions, to voice their positions and opposition to RCEP deal.
Free Trade Agreements are fueling and shaping the oppression and injustice against women
Women gathering resulted in several demands from the grassroots women, urging the new elected government of Indonesia to stop negotiating FTAs. Women demand “no more FTAs"
AFTINET fears that assurances sought by Labor will not prevent harmful impacts from Indonesia and other trade deals
Organisations representing millions of Australians wrote to Labor MPs last week asking them to implement their policies against harmful proposals including special rights for foreign investors to sue governments for millions over domestic laws.
Stop ISDS and support the Treaty to protect people and the planet
How can you help? Sign the petition to stop ISDS!
RCEP: What is at stake for India and its people
Real lives and livelihoods are at stake. That is why people are saying ‘No’ to RCEP!
ISDS lawsuit: When corporation ignores state sovereignty
The book aims to provide an understanding to the public about ISDS mechanism, by providing a clear description of real impact caused by ISDS lawsuit faced by Indonesia.
India and Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: key issues and implications
RCEP militates against several of India’s critical interests. At least two countries from among the participating countries could seriously challenge India’s rural economy since they are seeking to enter the markets for wheat, sugar and dairy products.
India-China bilateral summit: Civil society expresses concern over Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership
People’s movements note with deep concern the developments with respect to India’s position on the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
Manifesto for trade justice
We need an alternative regional approach, not only in South Asia but the Asia Pacific region, which does not push so- called ‘free trade’ and investors’ rights at the cost of lives and livelihoods of people, and the life of the planet.
Sign-on letter from India against IPR on seed
A mega free trade agreement, like RCEP that undermines farmers’ seed freedoms in a mega diverse country, with seed diversity and farmers’ knowledge is unacceptable, say over 50 groups and citizens
Joint ITUC-Africa/ETUC/ITUC statement on the EU-Africa EPAs and EU-Africa trade relations
Trade unions from Africa and Europe have followed with grave concern the negotiation and conclusion of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) between the EU and regional groupings in Africa.