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TPP negotiations come down to the wire
With final negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement scheduled to conclude on Friday, there are a bunch of thorny issues still yet to be agreed on. Perspective from Australia.
TPP: Former WTO head Pascal Lamy says TPP benefits ’modest’
The former head of the World Trade Organisation Pascal Lamy predicts agreement will be reached on the Trans Pacific Partnership trade talks this weekend, but says the significance of the deal has been over-hyped.
Inequality and injustices of EPAs under fire
The countries of Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific are not on equal footing with the European Union, and as such Sir Ronald Sanders is asserting that instead of calling for reciprocity, proportionality should be a principle embedded in the Economic Partnership Agreements.
Nigeria to lose $1.3trn on EPA agreement
Stakeholders have warned the Federal Government against signing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and European Union (EU), noting that Nigeria risks loosing about $1.3 trillion revenue if it signs the agreement.
Environmentalists, unions protest Pacific trade pact in Maui
About 400 protesters blew conch shells on a Hawaii beach to demonstrate against a trade agreement being negotiated by ministers from 12 Pacific Rim nations.
Malaysia will not sign any TPP pact in Hawaii
As pivotal negotiations in the making or breaking of the Trans-Pacific Partnership enter the final stretch, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry has stated that Malaysia will not sign any agreement during the current round of talks, which runs until July 31, and sought to reassure critics that it will stand firm on issues of sovereignty, government procurement, state-owned enterprises and the bumiputra agenda.
China-ASEAN trade negotiations to be completed by year-end
Negotiations to upgrade the China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement are expected to be concluded by the end of this year. China will expand two-way investment in major sectors involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, including big-ticket projects involving global production, industrial parks and other cross-border projects.
Govt readies 3-tier offer for RCEP
With next round of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) talks is scheduled to take place in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, on August 24-26, India government readied its strategy on goods trade.
Malaysia to remain firm in TPPA talks
Malaysia has pledged to safeguard and uphold their core policies, including the interests of the Bumiputera community during the last leg of Trans Pacific Partnership talks.
TPP: Australia considers ’modified’ ISDS clause
Australian Trade Minister Andrew Robb says he won’t sign off on investor-state dispute settlement in the Trans-Pacific Partnership "until we’re satisfied that there’s a carve out for public policy on health and the environment,"
European Parliament says REACH must not be included in TTIP
Chemical Watch reports that the European Parliament has asked the European Commission not to negotiate on issues related to REACH and its implementation in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) with the US.
The Customs Bill: an unacceptable barrier to climate action
A proposed amendment to the Trade Priorities and Accountability Act (TPA) incorporated into the House version of the US Customs Bill poses significant risks to future progress on climate mitigation if accepted.
Groups demand rejection of anti-climate provision in Customs Bill
A coalition of environmental and fair trade organizations are protesting the inclusion of language in the “Customs bill” in the US Congress that would explicitly prevent the United States Trade Representative from seeking to address climate change in trade agreements.
Analysis of foreign investment protection in Senegal’s bilateral investment treaties
Is Senegal providing a disproportionate level of protection to foreign investors through BITs?
El Salvador: “Arbitration with Pacific Rim has cost the State $12.6 million”
Luis Parada, a lawyer with the law firm Foley Hoag, is optimistic that the company, Pacific Rim, will not prevail in the proceedings.
UNAIDS calls on trade negotiators to uphold governments’ commitments to public health and access to medicines
The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement reportedly contains provisions that would lead to higher drug prices, not just in the TPPA but in future trade agreements as well, UNAIDS warns.
Malaysia and Canada resist TPP deal
Resistance from a stubborn Canada and protectionist Malaysia is emerging as the biggest hurdle ahead of a crucial Trans-Pacific Partnership meeting starting in Hawaii on Tuesday.
More than 2,000 unionists rally in Brisbane to protest against China-Australia FTA
The protest marked the second national rally against the FTA, following protests at the ALP National Conference last Friday.
Rally against TPP negotiations planned July 29 on Kāʻanapali Beach
A coalition of advocates for the environment, labor, health and native Hawaiians will gather on Kāʻanapali Beach, outside the negotiators’ hotel, to speak out against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Blocked from trade pact by its failure on slavery, Malaysia suddenly gets a passing grade
The State Department on Monday took Malaysia off a list of countries with particularly egregious human trafficking records, clearing the path for the country’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, one of the top political priorities for the Obama administration.