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Senior US official reaffirms commitment to trade with Pakistan
Assistant United States Trade Representative (AUSTR) for South Asia Michael Delaney led a delegation to Islamabad to discuss the ongoing US-Pakistan Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
Nepal, United States scheduled to sit for talks next month
The upcoming council meeting will cover raft of issues related to trade and investments. Nepal has been preparing to lure investors from the US by showcasing various projects in hydropower, tourism, industry and service sectors.
Taiwan to stand firm on US pork ractopamine ban: official
Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture said that it will insist that the country maintain a ban on pork imported from the United States containing traces of leanness-enhancing drug ractopamine
Latest TIFA talks ’productive’: US
The latest round of trade talks between Taiwan and the U.S. under the bilateral Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) made much ground in a number of areas but both sides have yet to reach consensus on issues such as U.S. pork imports.
TIFA talks ignore interests of ordinary citizens: groups
The latest round of Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) talks with the US ignores the interests of ordinary citizens, labor activists said yesterday.
Taiwan, US aim for TIFA talks by year end: US official
Taiwan and the United States are working toward holding the next round of talks under the bilateral Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA)
Protestors slam controversial trade talks in Geneva
In Geneva, members of the STOP TISA movement, unions, left-wing activists and social movements protested in front of the headquarters of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization on Wednesday evening denouncing the trade deal.
US-Armenian trade deal signed
The United States and Armenia have signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), generally seen as a precursor to a full fledged FTA.
Barriers to SA markets a concern for US
The failure of the US and South Africa to achieve a free trade agreement in 2006 came to haunt them on Tuesday as their delegations gathered for consultations under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement signed in 1999.
Focus on private sector: Washington rules out trade agreement with Islamabad
US Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker finally admitted publicly that the Obama administration no longer has the ability to get legislative approval for any trade agreements with Pakistan, and hence is focusing on getting more US businesses to invest in Pakistan.
US, Sri Lanka sign trade and investment agreement to boost bilateral trade
Sri Lanka and the United States inked a joint trade and investment agreement on Wednesday in Colombo.
West Africa: New pact aims to expand trade between US, West Africa
The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the United States have signed a trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA), usually a precursor to a US FTA.
US wants to open talks with Algeria for Trade and Investment Framework Agreement
The United States wants to open discussions with Algeria on the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) signed by the two countries in 2001, said US Department of Commerce senior commercial officer for Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, Douglas Wallace.
Trade experts see nothing concrete in Pak-US action plan
The Joint Action Plan signed last week by Pakistan and the US in Washington under Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (Tifa) is more of a goodwill gesture than anything concrete that can benefit the country, according to experts.
US-Libyan trade and investment council agreed
Libya and the US have signed today a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) which establishes an American-Libyan Council for Trade and Investment to regulate all commercial matters between the two countries
Writ challenging legality of TICFA filed
A writ petition was filed with the High Court in Dhaka Wednesday challenging the legality of the Trade and Investment Cooperation Framework Agreement (TICFA), signed recently between Bangladesh and the USA.
TICFA, political economy of US bilateralism and Bangladesh
It should come as no surprise that TICFA is not really an economic cooperation or development agreement, writes Mohammad Tanzimuddin Khan in Countercurrents.
Ticfa with US signed at last
The government of Bangladesh, after more than a decade of talks, yesterday inked the Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum Agreement (Ticfa) with the US
CARICOM-US to sign trade accord
The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries will sign a trade investment framework agreement with the United States during the visit of Vice President Joe Biden to Trinidad and Tobago next week.
US, Myanmar sign trade, investment framework deal
The US and Myanmar signed Tuesday a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), creating a platform for "ongoing dialogue and cooperation" on trade and investment issues between the two countries.