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Russia’s PM signs agreement on establishing free trade zone between EAEU and Iran
The agreement provides for the formation of a free trade area on a limited range of goods between the EAEU and Iran.
Israel, EAEU resume talks on free trade agreement - Israeli ambassador in Russia
Israel has resumed negotiations with Russia on joining the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Israeli Ambassador to Russia, noting the developing economic relations as well as increasing trade between the two countries.
Israel to sign five major free-trade agreements in 2018
Deals are being finalized with South Korea, Vietnam, India, China and Eurasian Customs Union.
Thailand and Russia-led bloc to launch free trade talks
Partners aim to triple trade to $10bn by 2020.
India, Eurasian Economic Union to hold talks on trade pact
The Indian government has worked out the details of a possible free trade agreement with the five nation Eurasian Economic Union.
Iran-EEU trade deal to come into effect on January 21
The preferential trade agreement between Iran and Eurasian Economic Union will be in effect for three years.
Talks on EAEU-India free trade zone scheduled for January 2018
The talks on the free trade zone between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and India will start in January 2018, says official
What Armenia’s new agreement with the EU means
At the fifth Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels, Armenia and the European Union signed a new framework agreement, dubbed the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement.
S. Korea turning to Russia for free trade deal amid pressure from US
South Korea’s trade minister has met with Russian officials in Moscow, in a move to lay the groundwork for a free trade deal with a Russia-led union amid growing U.S. trade pressure.
Mexico wants to have strong relations with EAEU - foreign minister
Mexico considers a bilateral agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) or cooperation between EAEU and the Pacific Alliance.
Putin voices support for Asia Pacific FTA
Russia supports the idea of establishing a free trade area (FTA) in the Asia Pacific region, which is believed to enhance the country’s position in the region’s market, President Vladimir Putin said.
Russia free trade agreement not the priority: PM
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says securing a free trade agreement with the European Union is "top of our agenda" - and much higher than getting a deal with Russia across the line.
Eurasian free-trade agreement on agenda
The new Labour-New Zealand First Government will continue to push for a free-trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union despite Western sanctions on trade with Russia remaining.
China reaches Belt Road milestone with Eurasian Economic Union trade agreement
Agreement directly meets Belt Road objectives by liberalizing trade and investment along Eurasian landmass.
Russia offers support for FTA with EEU
Russia has offered its support for Pakistan’s entry into a free trade agreement with Eurasian Economic Union, of which Russia is a leading member.
Iran, EAEU finalize accord on free trade zone
Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) have finalized an agreement to create a free trade zone.
Mongolia eyes free trade agreement with Eurasian Economic Union
Mongolian Prime Minister J.Erdenebat has proposed to sign a free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
Serbia ’moving forward’ with EAEU free trade deal
Marko Cadez, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that Belgrade has been making progress on negotiating a free trade agreement with the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union.
EEU closer to free trade deal with Iran
The Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union aims to finalize a free trade deal with Iran by the end of the year (2017), in a drive by Russia and its fellow members to deepen ties with Tehran.
India not keen to put e-commerce under FTA with Russia-led group
India has so far rejected bids to include market access negotiations on e-commerce at multilateral level.