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Chile is fighting the TPP-11 hand-to-hand
Chile is currently experiencing convulsed political days given the heated debate over the parliamentary ratification of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, known as TPP11.
Piñera, Bolsonaro set roadmap to boost relationship between Chile and Brazil
The presidents of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, and of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, set a road map to give new impetus to the bilateral relationship, especially in the commercial sphere with the negotiation of a free trade agreement.
China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its two Latin American gateways
Chile and Panama offer China two important physical entry points into Latin America. Chile features an attractive legal framework for the protection of Chinese investments in the country. Panama is following suit. A ripple effect in the region is foreseeable.
Minister Carr welcomes new gender chapter in modernized Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement
Canada and Chile celebrated the coming into force of the modernized Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement.
Argentina and Chile agree to free trade agreement
With the decline of Mercosur, Argentina is looking westward towards its Pacific allies, as it signs a landmark free trade agreement with Chile.
Korea, Chile hold talks to update FTA
South Korea and Chile opened their first round of talks to revise their bilateral free trade agreement to reflect changes in the market over the past 15 years.
Chile and Brazil sign free trade agreement in Santiago
Chile and Brazil have signed a free trade agreement that scraps red tape and tariffs between the two South American economies.
Chilean Senate approves deepening of free trade agreement with China
The Chilean foreign minister explained that this protocol complements the Free Trade Agreement between both countries that entered into force on October 1, 2006.
Chile and Brazil move forward in negotiations for a new FTA
Until Friday (October 19) the teams of Chile and Brazil working on a new Free Trade Agreement between the two countries will meet in Santiago.
Chile - Civil society organizations: "Without impact studies, Congress cannot vote free trade agreements"
The Chamber of Deputies approved the request that the Government has to review in detail each and every treaty signed by Chile, as well as future agreements.
Chile president wants free-trade agreement with CARICOM
President of the Republic of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, has expressed interest in entering into negotiations on a free trade-agreement with the Caribbean Community.
Chile, Brazil wrap up first round of “second generation” FTA talks
Brazil and Chile launched the first round of negotiations for a “second generation” free trade agreement, since they already have 100% of their trade released for more than 20 years.
EU and Chile complete third round of trade negotiations
Negotiators met in Brussels from 28 May to 1 June for the 3rd round of negotiations for a new, modernised trade agreement between the EU and Chile.
UK foreign secretary seeks trade agreements in Chile, Latin America
Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson concluded a five-day charm offensive in Latin America by expressing interest in a trade agreement with Chile and other countries in Latin America’s so-called Pacific Alliance.
The EU is no progressive free trader: It’s exporting chronic diseases to Latin America
The EU has apparently chosen to put the trade goals of European tobacco companies ahead of their own commitments to sustainable development.
Bolivia ordered to make US$49mn award to Chile’s Quiborax
After a 14-year dispute between Quiborax and the Bolivian government, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) rejected Bolivia’s application to annul a US$48.6mn award in favor of the Chilean mining company.
Chinese, Chilean FMs hold talks to deepen bilateral cooperation
China expects Chile to continue to play an active and exemplary role in jointly building the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative with Latin America, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Sunday.
Uruguay: No position on the FTA with Chile after an official plenary
The plenary of the leftist coalition Broad Front concluded on Sunday with a motion that postpones the decision over the Free Trade Agreement with Chile.
A new FTA on the anvil between Chile and Brazil
The Chilean President Sebastián Piñera and Brazilian President Michel discussed a proposal for a free trade agreement between Brazil and Chile.
EP wants to include gender equality in free-trade agreements
The European Parliament has adopted a resolution to better account for gender equality in trade agreements. The commission could follow up on the resolution in its agreement with Chile.