East Asia Forum
New Zealand and Singapore announced negotiations on a Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA) that would establish new trade rules and best practices for the digital era. Australia should join and actively participate in these negotiations.
Prensa Latina
Forty-one organizations from the region of Aysen, in southern Chile, demanded that their representatives in the Senate reject the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP11) when submitted to vote.
Santiago Times
The presidents of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, and of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, set a road map to give new impetus to the bilateral relationship, especially in the commercial sphere with the negotiation of a free trade agreement.
Government of Canada
Canada and Chile celebrated the coming into force of the modernized Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement.
Santiago Times
Chile and Brazil have signed a free trade agreement that scraps red tape and tariffs between the two South American economies.
Santiago Times
The Chilean foreign minister explained that this protocol complements the Free Trade Agreement between both countries that entered into force on October 1, 2006.
Santiago Times
Until Friday (October 19) the teams of Chile and Brazil working on a new Free Trade Agreement between the two countries will meet in Santiago.
Jamaica Observer
President of the Republic of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, has expressed interest in entering into negotiations on a free trade-agreement with the Caribbean Community.
Santiago Times
Brazil and Chile launched the first round of negotiations for a “second generation” free trade agreement, since they already have 100% of their trade released for more than 20 years.