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Indonesia to speed up EU CEPA negotiation
Indonesia will speed up negotiations on the Indonesia-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA).
Court ordered disclosure of the negotiating documents of KorUS FTA
The Korean Administrative Court in Seoul held that the negotiating documents of the KorUS FTA be disclosed.
Court rules in favour of Spain in suit against renewable energy cuts
An international arbitrator threw out claims from two investors protesting against Spain’s 2010 cuts to renewable energy subsidies, setting a potential precedent for other lawsuits pending.
France for resumption of India-EU FTA talks
Outstanding issues include the EU demand for a reduction in the duties on automobiles, wines and spirits, and Indian demand for greater movement of professionals.
Correa: ’corruption’ lets Chevron off hook for Amazon pollution
The ruling from the District Court of the Hague in favor of U.S. oil giant Chevron effectively exonerated the company from any responsibility for remediating the contamination in the Amazon.
Mexico and the European Free Trade Association to update free trade agreement
The document, signed by the parties, establishes the terms for the negotiations to update and expand the FTA between Mexico and the EFTA.
Anti-TPPA rally tells deaf gov’t off
Protestors at the anti-TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) demonstration say the people are sending the message that they do not want the secretive agreement signed by the government.
Haiti’s fraudulent presidential frontrunner seizes land for his own banana republic
Farmers remain homeless and out of work while the land grabbed by the company Jovenel Moïse founded, Agritrans, now hosts a private banana plantation. Moïse is the only man running in Haiti’s fraudulent runoff presidential elections this Sunday, and is connected to the land grab responsible for the expulsion of as many as 800 peasants.
Chilean social groups to protest Monsanto, anti-democratic TPP
Citizen opposition to the signing of the TPP will take place throughout the region, with joint mobilizations taking place in Peru and Argentina.
Better Regulation, TTIP under the radar?
The negotiations the EU are having with the US over TTIP would lead to new governance structures and procedures with a central objective of eliminating trade and investment barriers.
Consumer rights group launches petition to exclude cosmetics from TTIP
The Danish consumer rights organisation Forbrugerrådet Tænk wants to keep cosmetics regulation out of the Transatlantic free trade negotiations, saying it is worried that the EU will "sell out" its strict standards.
Say NO to the new legislations on trade secrets
What is hiding behind the new laws on trade secrets?
EU quietly asks Canada to rework trade deal’s thorny investment clause
Both sides admit surprise as deal risks losing ratification vote thanks to anti-American sentiment.
MEPs support ambitious global trade pact
The Trade in Services Agreement will be important for the exchange of data flows, lawmakers say.
India’s new BIT and arbitration law send mixed signals to foreign investors
India’s new model BIT text follows the trend of divergent approaches to investment treaty-making by focusing on a more defensive-minded strategy than in its prior treaties.
South America forms alternative to free trade kangaroo courts
Experts from UNASUR met in the Uruguayan capital Montevideo in order to finalize and sign agreements regarding the proposed center for investigation of international settlement dispute cases.
Canadian mining company reorganizes to seek damages from Costa Rica
Infinito announced that it has secured funding from a lender to continue pursuing damages stemming from Costa Rica’s cancellation of the firm’s gold mining concession in 2011.
Ngapuhi considers Waitangi day protest if TPP signed
A Ngapuhi elder is threatening to block the Government from Te Tii Marae on Waitangi Day if the Trans Pacific Partnership is signed, saying the signing is a breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.
What does China want in a free trade deal?
It’s unclear where China’s requests end and its demands begin.
Lametti on CETA: ’We’ll get this deal to work’
CETA, China, softwood lumber among government’s top trade priorities for 2016. Canada’s government is willing to address ISDS concerns.