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#ExxonKnew about climate change and ExxonKnows how to use trade deals to get its way
While ExxonMobil was misleading the public about climate disruption, it was also using trade rules to increase its power, to bolster its profits, and to actively hamper climate action.
TiSA undermines COP21 action says analysis of leaked annex on Energy
Greenpeace, trade unions and the global trade network Our World Is Not For Sale (OWINFS) claim TiSA is the latest secretly negotiated trade deal that undermines climate change action.
TTIP will damage public health and climate, says official report
The controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will have negative effects on public health, jobs and the climate, according to the official impact assessment.
Europe’s regulations at risk
On Friday, April 22, President Barack Obama is joining other world leaders in signing the Paris climate accord. But on the following Monday, April 25, Obama will meet with European leaders to promote the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
The transatlantic free trade treaty: the climate’s enemy
Threats against environmental directives, legal arbitration against States, the growth of trade generating CO2… while discussions between the United States and the European Union continue, the author of this article demonstrates that this treaty is incompatible with the Paris Agreement on Climate.
India, Iceland agree to facilitate trade and economic partnership
India and Iceland on Tuesday agreed that a trade and economic partnership agreement between India and the EFTA countries would facilitate more economic relations between the two countries.
It’s not just Europeans who will feel the consequences of TTIP
One element of TTIP has been largely ignored – the deal’s impact on developing countries.
Correa: ’corruption’ lets Chevron off hook for Amazon pollution
The ruling from the District Court of the Hague in favor of U.S. oil giant Chevron effectively exonerated the company from any responsibility for remediating the contamination in the Amazon.
Interview: End of US crude oil export ban – consequences for TTIP and the climate
The EU has been advocating an end of this ban as part of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership negotiations. The EU wants to be able to import US oil for energy security reasons and set global rules for energy markets.
Global economy moved one step forward, one step back in 2015
The problem of TPP is with the “investment” chapter, which severely constrains environmental, health, and safety regulation, and even financial regulations with significant macroeconomic impacts.
TransCanada, this is what democracy looks like
Canadian company TransCanada’s announcement that it will sue the American people for $15 billion perfectly illustrates how today’s corporate-empowering trade policies threaten the way democracy is supposed to work.
This NAFTA lawsuit over Keystone XL proves ‘free trade’ deals kill democracy
‘The idea that some trade agreement should force us to overheat the planet’s atmosphere is, quite simply, insane.’
Libre-échange contre climat : la plainte de TransCanada contre l’État fédéral américain confirme les craintes des mouvements citoyens
La cohabitation entre le régime international de commerce et d’investissement actuel et l’ambition prétendue de lutter contre le changement climatique est impossible.
2015: a year in review on trade and the environment
In 2015, new trade and investment cases, leaks and texts all demonstrated how trade rules present a significant threat to our environment and climate.
Move to renewables jeopardized by EU corporate trade deals
Proposed special rights for corporations in EU trade agreements threaten to prevent the necessary energy transition to tackle climate change according to a new report.
There is no EU solution to climate change as long as TTIP exists
The European Union has been caught trying to undermine any meaningful outcome from the UN climate talks in Paris.
Secret trade talks could weaken climate targets set in Paris, warn campaigners
Rival international negotiations in Geneva could outlaw subsidies for solar or wind power in ‘great climate change swindle’
A dirty deal: How the Trans-Pacific Partnership threatens our climate
In its more than 6,000 pages of binding rules, the deal fails to even mention the words “climate change”—a clear sign it is not “a 21st-century trade agreement,” as some have claimed.
TTIP vs. climate policy: what is at risk?
TTIP is intended to remove “non-tariff barriers to trade”. But the barriers it is targeting are democratically adopted regulations, preventing or correcting damages that would result from unregulated private markets.
Foreign investor protection and climate action: a new price tag for urgent policies
Foreign investor protection provisions in trade and investment agreements tilt the playing field in favor of entrenched incumbents and against urgent action on climate.